2-4mm Diatomaceous Earth
Feed Supplement, Agriculture & Home Gardens, Nurseries, Poultry Conditioner, Oil Absorption & Spill Kits, Building & Manufacturing
The 2 – 4 mm is granular size which works well with poultry, agriculture and home gardens. When spreading it creates less dust and acts as a slow release soil fertiliser/conditioner input. Due the granular size it also acts as a home for beneficial microbes in the soil until solubilized and absorbed by the plants.
2-4mm DE benefits for Livestock
DE has received recognition around the world as a beneficial feed additive for all livestock. It has been used as a digestive aid, mineral and trace element supplement and for parasitical control. It is used extensively in the USA and Europe, its use in Australia has been limited by its supply.
Livestock to benefit include Beef and Dairy Cattle, Horses, Poultry, Goats, Pigs, Sheep and Domestic Animals. Though this list does not limit the types or breeds of animals DE will benefit.
Studies show a general to significant improvement in the following areas:
Optimizes animal health
Control of internal parasites (will not control heart or lung worm) and external parasites
Reduced odours – particularly noticeable where intensive farming practices are in use
Controls flies, ticks, fleas, buffalo fly on the animal, in pasture and around pens
Reduces infant mortality
General improvement in wellbeing
Greater resistance to disease and parasites
Improved appetites in picky eaters
Healthier appearance
Improves growth and development
DE will also provide the animal with calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, and sulphur trace elements
In addition to the above improvements and in relation to specific animals:
Dairy Cows
Increase in milk production and butterfat %
Incidence of mastitis reduced
DE in Cattle
Increased in weight gain
Improvement in coat sheen
May control worms and parasites
Increase feed intake in prepared feeds
Greater weight gain
Reduction in odour
Less destruction of housing
Improvement in coat sheen
Cured scours
Better Food absorption
Increase in egg production
Control of Bird lice
Dryer droppings allowing easier cleaning of house
Feed supplement
Controls internal and external parasites
Reduces smell, controls fly
Improves quality of eggs
How it works
It is thought that DE works in ways similar to holistic medicine, benefiting the entire animal. It is believed that the structure of the DE stimulates the digestion and aids in improving feed conversion and absorption of nutrients, essential elements and trace elements. In short, the animal is able to gain more of the available nutrients from the feed you are feeding them. Therefore, it makes economic sense to use DE as a regular addition to your feeding routine.
External Use
Use as a dust or a spray to control external parasites. Spray and dust around living quarters and bedding.
The following rates are only a suggestion as livestock and pets vary due to the difference in farming procedures and animal size.
2-4mm DE used in Agriculture & Home Garden
Most agronomists are not aware of the function of silica and in most soil and leaf tests, silica is not even tested. Silica has proven to be one of most essential inputs for crop production. Diminishing soil silica levels are believed to be responsible for the reduction in crop yield and crop strength in all developed countries around the world. Research has identified Silica is an essential soil additive and vital if we hope to improve crop production and bring crop yields back to what we want them to be.
Understanding the process of Nutrient Depletion
Nutrients leave the soil in two main ways. One is via the plant, the plant takes up the nutrient from the soil and is harvested, and when the plant is harvested the nutrient is also harvested. As the silica that was once available and present in the soil is now contained within the plant, we can understand why adding Silica is so important. (This process is the same for other nutrients).
The other is via leaching, which occurs when rain or irrigation water dissolves the nutrient and the water runs off the soils. This means that every time we harvest our crops, we remove more of the essential nutrients our plants require to remain healthy. The problem with Silica is that it has never been replaced because it was thought to be in abundant supplies. And because Silica deficiency is not obvious as say nitrogen deficiency, we have continued to ignore this vital element.
Silica carries all nutrients, and particularly Calcium, and makes it plant available. It is the single most effective input against rust and fungal issues by strengthening the overall plant. Artificial Nitrogen is the antagonist of silicon and tends to strip soils and plants of boron, silicon and calcium. Silica is the building block for phloem and xylem and immobilises excess sodium and increases the plant immunity.
Why has Silica not been identified earlier?
As Silica is an abundant mineral and found in all soils and plants early scientists believed that like oxygen it would remain present and plants are able to access it. But the truth is that Silica has been depleted just like all other minerals, while the symptoms were evident the cause was difficult to identify.
However, Russia and Japan have been using Silica for many years with Japanese rice farmers considering it an essential nutrient. Sugar farmers in Florida began using Silica fertilizer in 1994 and noticed immediate benefits (within the first year). Australian farmers are slowly adopting to using Silica as part of regular farming practice and are too noticing immediate benefits.
Resources about Diatomaceous Earth and silica.
Some of the below resources are conducted by Russian Scientist Dr Vladimir Matichenkov, a world-renowned scientist in Silica studies.
Silica - Natural Silicon fertiliser in Queensland - http://agronomyaustraliaproceedings.org/images/sampledata/2010/crop-production/soil-biology-nutrition/7055_matichenko.pdf
Silicon in banana plants: distribution and interaction with the disease fusarium wilt - http://espace.library.uq.edu.au/view/UQ:344886
The beneficial effects of Silica application has shown to have a direct effect on crop productivity, improving soil fertility, increasing plant health and reducing water requirements resulting in improved resistance to disease, insect attack and drought. In addition to this Silica application will assist plant absorption of other applied fertilizers and soil nutrients resulting in reduced application of fertilizers (such as Phosphors) and chemicals.
Silica has a high content of plant available Silica and a range of desirable trace elements – overall you can expect noticeable improvement in plant health, increased farm income and a reduction in spending on crop inputs.
Adding Silica will:
Increase crop productivity
Improve soil fertility
Increase plant health
Reduce water requirements
Enhance other applied fertilizers efficiency
Resulting in:
Stronger plant cells and structure
Improved resistance to disease and fungi
Improved resistance to insect attack
Increased drought tolerance and reduce irrigation requirements
Increased salt tolerance
Reduced chemical and fertilizer costs
Increased farm income
Silica can be applied just like any other soil conditioner using standard application equipment. Apply Silica as a side dressing, broadcast, during planting or whatever method suits your farming method. Silica is used in many industries including farming, landscape gardening, home gardening, golf courses, sports fields and many more.
Application Rates
Depending on soil test. Apply from 500kg to max 1 Tonne (1000kg) per hectare per year
*High quality silica has a residual effect when used in soil and depending on the soil condition prior to first application its subsequent application rate will most likely be reduced.
Sprinkle liberally on the ground around trees.
Before planting – use 2-5kgs per 15 metre row
Mixing with soil – 250g to a 300mm x 300mm hole
2-4mm in Nurseries
DE can easily be added to the potting mix. Incorporating DE 2-4mm into the potting mix and it will help eliminate any fungal gnats during the growing cycle. Adding DE wil also help with moisture absorption, aeration and provides silica to the plant. By solubolizing the DE a small film will coat the roots which results in stronger root growth and less root damages. Diatomaceous earth can also be applied by sprinkling into each potting tray.
For best results:
Mix up to 20kg DE per m3 potting mix
2-4mm DE as a Poultry Conditioner
Of all farm animals, chickens and ducks respond the fastest to DE. Trials show that when examined, chickens fed DE were noticeably larger, with more meat and stronger bones, healthier and free of parasites.
Benefits of feeding DE to poultry:
Feed supplement
Controls internal and external parasites
Reduces smell, controls fly
Improves quality of eggs
Improves egg production
Add 15% of DE to regular poultry pellets or laying mash for effectiveness.
2-4mm DE for Oil Absorption and Spill Kits
Because of DE’s very absorbent properties, consisting of more than 70% silica it is the perfect product to have in your spill kit, house, garage or shed for cleaning up grease and oil spills. Cloth rags, sponges and paper towel often leave behind residue and spread the spill further than the initial mess making the clean-up time twice as long. The porous molecules in DE are able to absorb high quantities of moisture unlike a lot of other cleaning products on the market. Also, DE is 100% natural and nontoxic making it a safe alternative to use in any situation. The Diatomaceous Earth renders the spill inert which neutralises the chemicals in the oil and be safely disposed in the rubbish bin. DE can retain up to 100% of it own weight in liquid.
How to use:
Firstly, act quickly. Apply DE to the spill as soon as you can. Apply up to an 1” over the spill. Leave for approx. 2-24hrs for the DE to absorb the spill. The longer you can leave the DE on the spill the more the DE will absorb the oil or grease. DE can hold more than twice its weight in liquid, so the longer it’s left on the spill the more effective it will be.
Once the DE has absorbed the spill, simply sweep up with a dustpan and brush and dispose of safely in the rubbish bin. If the spill in on a carpeted area, apply as per above instructions, sweep up the majority of the DE once absorbed and then safely vacuum the finer DE particles. If the spill has caused a stain, simply clean the area with warm, soapy water to remove the mark.
2-4mm used in Building/Manufacturing Industry
DE has wide application in the building and manufacturing sector. In Europe DE is used to construct fire retardant bricks which are used in construction. It is also widely as an insulator due to is natural process. The fine powder is used in cosmetics, toothpaste, soaps and cleaning products and due to is light weight it is used as a filler in a variety of industries. It is used an added to paints, asphalt, varnishes and lacquers as well as in the in manufacturing of ceramic glazes and crystalline wine glasses.
CAUTION: Do not confuse natural silica or food-grade Diatomaceous Earth with crystalline silica which is commercially produced by exposing amorphous silica to extreme heat for use in swimming pool filtration systems. Crystalline silica is extremely dangerous and must not be consumed by humans or animals, or used on gardens or agricultural crops. All care should be taken when applying DE Dust. The dust particles could irritate lungs and long term use if constantly inhaling could cause potential damage. Additionally protect skin as DE is particularly drying and may affect sensitive skins. Use standard protection as you would when using any insecticide, although DE is non toxic.